Coastside Jewish Community

Providing an inclusive community that supports connection to Jewish life, both cultural and spiritual, on the coast from Pacifica to Pescadero.

CJC Honored by HMB City Council

On Tuesday, 12/21/21, Coastside Jewish Community’s 30th anniversary was honored with a Proclamation and five certificates of recognition from various governing bodies. Sharon Turner, president of CJC’s Board of Directors, was invited to speak as well. A video of the entire meeting is available, and you can jump to the presentation which lasted lasted for […]

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Coastside Jewish Community Celebrates the 20th Anniversary of Receiving Our Torah

By Annie Blair, June 2021
How does one go about buying a Torah? Think about that for a moment. Can you just go to They have everything, right? Can you order a 3,500 year-old document, handwritten by a highly trained scribe on specifically prepared parchment? Would the Amazon truck actually deliver a package to your doorstep containing thousands of years of culture, history, and liturgy of the Jewish people?

Twenty-two years ago in June 1999, our young congregation asked the same question, “How do we go about buying a Torah?”. We couldn’t indefinitely borrow a Torah for High Holidays …..

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